What is Dyslexia?
It is called to the disfuntion of the reading that disables its correctec realization.Although conventionally the term is so applied to the difficluty for a correct writing. In more technicall terms in psycology and psyquiatry is defined the dylexia like a discrepansy between the learning potential and the level of yied of a yellow, without sensorial,physical problems, motors of educational deficienciest exist.
From the enviroment of the psychologistic, it has been that one of the central dificits in the dylexia, especially in the smallest children, with phonological conciense.
What is phonological consciense?
It is the knowledge that people have to divide the speech and the writing in smaller structures.
Dyslexic people have not alone problems in the writing of numbers, if not also at phonetic level, for instance the confusion takes place between "P", "B"and "M", and in occasions confusions also with the "N".
Some important town councils of the specialists are:
a- It is necessary to give them opportunities that they make contributions to class.
b- Avoid comparing with other students in negative terms.
c- Not to make them read aloud againts their will.
d- It is a good measure to find something that their are especially good to estimulate the success.
Clues to parents:
a- Support them all time.
b- Understand the nature of their learning process.
c- Communicate with them all time, especially at school learning process.
What is aphasia?
It is the loss of capacity of producing and to understand language, due to lesions in cerebral ares specialized in these tasks.
The aphasia happens suddenly, often as the result of a accident or traumatist in the brain.
Types of aphasia
a- Aphasia of drill ( motorboat): It is characterized to be a non flowing aphasia. For instance, a person with aphasia of drill can say "to walk dog", but in facts the person is trying to say the needs take out the walk dog.
b- Conduction aphasia: Takes place for a lesion of the archel fascicle that connects the area of drill. Their main characteristic is an inability for the repitition.
c- Global aphasia: This term is used to dominated the type of aphasia in which as much the understanding as the expression are altered.
d- The patient with this kind aphasia suffers an important reduction of the spontaneous speech and generally they do short sentence.
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